Former President Donald Trump's campaign issued a statement attacking special counsel Jack Smith and his wife just hours before being arraigned in Washington, D.C.
Trump Attacks Jack Smith's Wife Just Hours Before Arraignment
Special Counsel Jack Smith arrives to give remarks on a recently unsealed indictment including four felony counts against former U.S. President Donald Trump.Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
August 4, 2023

Former President Donald Trump's campaign issued a statement attacking special counsel Jack Smith and his wife just hours before being arraigned in Washington, D.C.

In a multi-page statement, Trump claimed the charges against him for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election were "un-American and wrong."

The statement went on to smear Smith for "a dirty, politically-motivated investigation." It offered news articles intended to undermine the special prosecutor.

One section of the statement was titled, "Jack Smith's Wife, Katy Chevigny, Is A Biden Donor. She Produced A Documentary About Michelle Obama, And She Worked On An Anti-Citizens United Film Titled, 'Dark Money.'"

The statement included three paragraphs disparaging Chevigny for her work on documentaries.

"Jack Smith’s wife is a Biden donor and produced [a] fawning Michelle Obama documentary," Trump campaign spokesperson Liz Harrington said, underscoring the attack.

Read portions of the statement below.

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