During a photo op session with the prime minister of Japan, a reporter asked The Felonious Figurehead about the newest cover of TIME magazine, which showed President Elmo behind the Resolute Desk, and whether he had any reaction to it.
The Felon looked down sadly and softly said "No." But you can see on his face, in his body language and voice inflection that his fee fees were hurt real bad.
After a few seconds of looking like he was going to cry that the gig was up, The Felon tried to rally with this lame comment:
Is Time magazine still in business? I didn't even know that.
Considering how many years that Felon has had conniptions every time he wasn't named Criminal of the Year, you know damn well that he would have been popping bottles of bubbly instead of hurling bottles of ketchup if TIME ever closed its doors.
The fact that Felon was upset is undeniable. The question is what was he upset about - that he didn't make the cover of TIME again, that the truth was out that he was just the figurehead while Elmo was really president, or that Elmo was going to take this out of his allowance?
H/T Acyn