May 11, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders deflected questions about access payments to Michael Cohen by claiming they were actually proof there is no corruption in this White House. In fact, she had the utter gall to claim that the swamp was being drained, just the way Donald Trump promised.

"This week the CEOs of AT&T and Novartis both said they thought it was a mistake for their companies to work with the president's lawyer. Does the president think it was a mistake for them to work with him," CNBC reporter Eamon Javers asked Sanders.

"This further proves the president is not going to be influenced by special interests," Huckabee Sanders claimed with a perfectly straight face. "This is the definition of draining the swamp, something the president talked about repeatedly during the campaign and for anything beyond that, i would direct you to the president's outside counsel."

Oh, I see. So huge cash payments to Trump's fixer are an example of how corruption is being chased out of Washington DC but in case there might be a legal problem that would actually indicate corruption, go talk to Trump's outside counsel. Gotcha.

Incredulous, Javers followed up with her. "How is this the definition of draining the swamp?"

"I think it's pretty clear the Department of Justice opposed the merger and certainly the president has not been influenced by any -- or his administration influenced by any outside special interests," she parried with a perfectly straight face.

So the AT&T Time Warner merger was opposed, that's true. But AT&T's biggest issue was net neutrality, squashed flat by Ajit Pai right away. All that "regulatory reform" has worked out GREAT for AT&T.

Same for Novartis, who still claims they paid over a million dollars for a whole lot of nothing.

And that is before we ever get to Pruitt and his corrupt ways.

I will so enjoy seeing her frogmarched out of the White House along with the rest of that sorry group. Let it be so.

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