September 22, 2024

Sending a Tesla Cybertruck, or a bunch of them, to a Chechen warlord violates international sanctions as they are a Russian ally. When the Tesla owner was accused of doing just that last month Musk did what all would-be fascists do: He lied about it.

Given the penalties for such behavior, the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov is now accusing Musk of disabling the Cybertrucks, making them unusable. And given the choice of whose word to believe between these two scumbags I would bet it's the Chechen's version that is more truthful. called it the worst use of technology it had ever seen. "The belt-fed Kord fires 12.7x108 mm ammunition that, as manufacturer ZKMK is quick to point out, is larger than NATO's 12.7x99 mm round (that's .50 BMG, to nations that have been to the moon). It's designed to take out lightly armored vehicles and positions from as much as 2,000 meters away."

You can probably guess what happens when you put that much firepower on a civilian vehicle that is not designed for it. But everything these Chechens do is designed for show, not for real combat. The Ukrainians refer to them derisively as "TikTok warriors" for all the staged videos they put out.

Source: CNN

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has accused Tesla CEO Elon Musk of “remotely disabling” his Cybertruck, which had been sent to the frontline of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Kadyrov claimed Thursday that the vehicle, which he said had been outfitted with a machine gun and was “performing well in combat,” had been shut down, adding Friday that he had sent two additional Tesla Cybertrucks to the frontline.

The Chechen warlord, known for his loyalty to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his active involvement in Russia’s ongoing military operations in Ukraine, shared footage of himself in August driving a Cybertruck and claimed it was a gift from Musk. In the video, a smiling Kadyrov was shown driving through an empty square in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, and thanking Musk for the vehicle “soon to be sent to the front.”

Musk, however, firmly denied sending it. “Are you seriously so retarded that you think I donated a Cybertruck to a Russian general?” he wrote at the time on X, the social media platform he owns.

Kadyrov repeated his claim earlier this week as he lamented that the high-tech vehicle had to be towed from the battlefield, saying: “What Elon Musk did was not nice. He gives expensive gifts from the heart and then remotely switches them off.”

“Two more Cybertrucks have been sent to the SVO (Ukraine war) zone,” the warlord added Friday, posting a video of two Tesla trucks in a forested area, each armed with mounted machine guns. The video shows men in military uniforms firing from the roofs of the vehicles.

“The remote shutdown did not affect these vehicles. They are operating normally, without any failures,” he said on Telegram. “You couldn’t ask for better advertising for the Cybertruck.”

Via Kadyrov's Telegram channel, there were profuse thanks from Kadyrov for the trucks:

"I express my sincere gratitude to Elon Musk," Kadyrov continued. "He is, of course, the strongest genius of our time and a specialist. A great man! Well, the Cybertruck turned out to be a powerful project. Undoubtedly one of the best cars in the world! I literally fell in love with this car."

"Come to Grozny, I will receive you as my most dear guest. I do not think that our Russian [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] will be against such a trip."

Jackie Singh, a cyber security expert has no problem detailing why she believes Elon Musk did it either, and she gives her reasons in a long thread.

And Elon's lies last month.

Kadyrov is still trying to stay in Musk's good graces though, making this propaganda video of how great the Cybertrucks are.

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