Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance struggled over the weekend to defend denials by Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor in North Carolina, after he made controversial comments on a pornographic website, which included calling himself a "Black Nazi" and defending slavery.
September 22, 2024

Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance struggled over the weekend to defend denials by Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor in North Carolina, after he made controversial comments on a pornographic website, which included calling himself a "Black Nazi" and defending slavery.

A reporter for NBC Philadelphia asked Vance to react after Robinson denied making the comments.

"Well, look, the allegations are pretty far out there, of course, but I know the allegations aren't necessarily reality, and what I'd say is it's ultimately up to Mark Robinson in North Carolina whether he's gonna be their governor and whether he wants to stay in the race," Vance said.

"Do you believe him that those were not his posts?" correspondent Lauren Mayk wondered.

"I don't not believe him, I don't believe him. I just think that you have to let these things sometimes play out in the court of public opinion," Vance said.

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