September 22, 2024

If you were fortunate enough to skip watching Donald's rally in Wilmington, N.C., last night, you made a wise decision. Trump held rallies all through his four years in office because the narcissist is constantly in need of adoration. A common theme lately, though, is clips showing Trump's die-hard fans exiting the venues while their hero is still talking.

At his rally last night, the felonious, disgraced former President said the same things that he posted earlier on Truth Social. It was a snoozefest, as the 78-year-old had run out of material and regurgitated his grievances and lies ad nauseam.

Vice President Kamala Harris recently commented on Trump's rallies, saying that "people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom.” That got to Trump, so he claimed that "Everybody stays 'till the end" of his rallies, adding, "Nobody leaves my rallies early!" But shockingly, that doesn't appear true. Here in N.C., attendees left just 28 minutes into his speech.

Xitter users piled in:

Noticeably absent at his rally was his North Carolina BFF Mark Robinson, his "Black Nazi" friend. I wonder why that is?

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