Prior to this Saturday's announcement that an agreement had been reached with Iran over their nuclear program, guess who CNN thought it was a good idea to bring on for a nice "fair and balanced" discussion on how the Obama administration should be handling these negotiations? None other than neocon, right-wing extremist, Islamophobe and birther-king, Frank Gaffney.
Apparently the producers over at CNN think this man who was one of the founders of PNAC that helped to lie the United States into invading Iraq ought to be allowed air time to be pushing for "regime change" in Iran in order to settle our differences there. Of course when the other guest, Hillary Mann Leverett attempted to get a word in and point out that that didn't work out so well in Iraq, host Martin Savidge cut her off and said they ran out of time for the segment.
CNN ought to just give it up and change their name to Fox-lite at this point.