There is nothing better than a good smackdown unless it's one delivered with a whole load of facts, figures, statistics and a health dose of snark. Which means that Rep. Jasmine Crockett is in a class of her own in that department. Watch the beautiful way she systematically dismantles the GOP false narrative to support their transphobia:
CROCKETT: The final points that I was going to make, is while this amendment has to do with civil rights, for whatever reason, the colleague on the other side of the aisle decided to attack Democrats and pretend as if we do not look out for women, and I want to be clear that it's Democrats that were pushing for the Equal Rights Amendment, and I don't recall any Republicans supporting us having the Equal Rights Amendment.
I also want to make it clear that just because someone fantasizes or wants to be dramatic about the idea of someone could be a, quote unquote, man in a locker room or in a bathroom, I've yet to hear an actual testimony of someone who, for whatever reason, has experienced this in real time.
But I can tell you some real numbers and some real facts because I don't like to live in fantasy when I'm talking about how I'm going to govern for the American people.
The facts are, in my state alone, in the state of Texas, once they decided that they were going to overturn the Roe decision, 26,000 women then ended up raped. Twenty-six thousand is what we had reported, and that was only within about a year's time span. And when they reported those rapes, none of them seemed to have anything to do with trans folk.
And I don't recall any legislation to help out those women in Texas and beyond that are actually dying. We're not projecting may die but are actually dying or have died in southern states that have decided that they wanted to go after our reproductive freedom.
So as a woman, In this country as a Texan and as a Black woman who when we look at the numbers, and I believe in data and science, and I know that that escapes a lot of people in this chamber, but the numbers are clear that specifically Black women have always struggled when it came down to the maternal mortality rates in general.
The fact that somebody who looks like me, no matter how much money they have, because I can remind you of a very wealthy tennis star that almost lost her life while trying to give birth. Some things I honestly just don't think should be partisan and frankly, I do believe in privacy because honestly, I don't want none of y'all making decisions if I ever end up pregnant and have to decide what it takes for me to save my life. And I give the same opportunity for other women in this country to make decisions as they see fit.
So, while we look at how we protect women completely differently, I can tell you that at least in the 766,000 women or 766,000 constituents that I represent, I've had them come to me concerned about whether or not they could survive childbirth, but I have not had a single person in my district tell me that they were concerned that they may be raped by a trans person.
So, if there is an issue to solve in this country based on facts, data, and statistics, I think that we need to look at the type of health care that we are going to advance for women in this country and with that I will yield.
The video doesn't show Nancy Mace, nor does it include any outbursts by her, but you just know that attention-whore was just livid about the beat down she and her faux outrage of the day was getting.
No matter what, it's just another example of how bigotry doesn't stand up to the light of truth.