July 11, 2010

(Ultravox - in 1979 they dropped the ! and it went on from there)

Reading reports that Ultravox have gotten back together, albeit for a "one-off tour" reminded me that they went through several incarnations before arriving at where they are now.

Tonight's track, Quiet Men is from incarnation Number 2 where they dropped the Punk mantle and warmed in the direction of Techno. The result was Systems of Romance, a milestone album (although it didn't do all that well at the time) produced by German Electronica-wizard, the late (and much lamented) Conny Plank, it announced a decided direction change.

Sadly, this incarnation didn't last all that long as they were dropped by their label Island shortly thereafter and the band was left adrift until Midge Ure came on the scene and it became Incarnation Number 3.

Incarnation Number 3 is probably what most people remember of Ultravox. But that middle point, where they were finding their direction and they were trying new things, to me was the most exciting.

But then, I'm a big fan of the process anyway - so pay no attention to me.

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