October 20, 2011

Toy - properly mysterious London band who won't be mysterious too much longer.

Tonight's band is something of a mystery - and it appears to be intended that way. Toy are a quasi-New Wave/Psych/Alternative band from London who have just released their first single fifteen days ago and who are, right this very minute, on tour around the UK opening for The Horrors. And from what I understand, the press and the crowds have been very warm in their enthusiasm for this new batch of musical upstarts.

Other than press mentions and blogs, there isn't any information. I tried. I checked their website. I checked their record company website (Heavenly Records) and everyone is tight lipped.

So I don't know what to tell you, other than tonights track is the b-side to their debut single. Clock Chime is a nice mix between 90's neo-Psych and Experimental/Alternative. Basically, a good band with an interesting point of view. And if you go to Heavenly Records website you can download the single for free - of if you want to get really crazy about it, go there and order a special limited edition 45 rpm hunk of vinyl.

Either way you can't go wrong.

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