October 12, 2010

Tasneem - new talent going the DIY route. Lucky us.

Okay, I'll admit - Tasneem is an old friend of mine. She's been gigging around, writing and playing in a lot of different bands and performing for a few years now, getting a good word of mouth going mostly on the East Coast. But she's been going solo and has relocated to L.A. the past couple of years. Like a lot of musicians of late, she's doing this on her own and without a label. Let's face it, there's a lot of good music coming out as the result and it makes you wonder what the whole scene would have been like had iTunes, MySpace and all the DIY sites been around say, 40 years ago.

But because most of these bands and singer/songwriters are doing it on their own, they need lots of support. And that comes by way of getting your own material together, offering it either as a CD at gigs or via any one of a number of on-line distributors or offering downloads. And that all costs, even doing it on the cheap.

What Tasneem has done, and this is a first for her, is get involved in a sort of passing-the-hat where people donate a bit of money and it all goes to producing a new project she's been working on. Kickstarter is the site behind the project and it's apparently doing well helping musicians get funding together. You can check them out and see what they're all about.

At any rate, tonight's track is Sunday Best. It's one of my new favorites and I think it will be on the new ep (but don't quote me on that). It's really nicely produced and a lovely song on top of it. Tasneem has got talent and she isn't fooling around.

Check it out and, as always, go to her MySpace page, her Facebook page and her Kickstarter page and get involved if you can. The arts need support too.

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