June 28, 2010

Anabel of Anabel's Poppy Day_7b87b.jpg
(Anabel of Anabel's Poppy Day - Indie from Ouzbekistan . . .like you didn't think there was any, did you?)

Giving Psychedelia a rest this week in favor of hitting the Indie/Alternative/Out-there/Experimental trail in search of new and interesting material.

Tonight it's an Ouzbekistan/French Indi/Alt/Experimental outfit called Anabel's Poppy Day whose first album has just come out and, even though I will freely admit they are not for all tastes, are at least worth one listen and maybe a visit to their site to see what they're up to.

This track, which I'm not sure is on their album or not, but I found it on their MySpace page, is called Bed Can Be Boat to which I offer a shrugged shoulder and baffled hands as to its meaning. But it's Sunday night/Monday morning and who needs meaning anyway?

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