(Strangelove - Could never be mistaken for Sunshine Pop)
Strangelove were a band who achieved cult status well before their demise in 1998. They were known for a particular brand of intensity when they played, fueled by Patrick Duff, Stranglove's lead singer. They were critically acclaimed by the Music Press in the UK and were considered a sort of "musicians band" with mutual admiration from such circles as Radiohead and Suede.
The intensity though, had its price and Duff was committed to rehab shortly before their second album was released. Through a series of bad turns and bad timing, the group never really caught on outside the hardcore fan base and they eventually split up in 1998.
Still, their music hasn't lost any of its intensity, as is evidenced by this track off Love and Other Demons, their second album released in 1996, She's Everywhere.