October 13, 2011

The Jam - burned brightly, even if it was for only a short time.

One of the things that made the 80's an interesting decade for music was the amount of social consciousness being displayed in song. Evolving from the 70's Punk ethos, early 80's was involved in specific issues in society. Race, poverty, the vanishing working and middle class, the Thatcher/Reagan years - they were all subjects of what became very powerful statements.

One of those bands most active in the social consciousness movement were without question The Jam. Evolving out of retro Mod, The Jam were, sadly not around that long. Getting started in the late 1970's and calling it quits by 1982. In their short time though, they managed to make a lasting impression and tracks like the one tonight, Just Who Is The 5 O'clock Hero? spoke directly to a working class struggling to exist.

Timely stuff - Could be yesterday - could be five minutes ago.

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