Nights At The Roundtable - Magazine from their 1980 album The Correct Use Of Soap with Philadelphia - 1980
November 27, 2010

Magazine - short-lived by today's standards but potent nonetheless.

Hard to imagine Magazine were together for a little over four years. Although they were much bigger in the UK and Europe than they were over here, they still managed to make a dent with their memorable hit About The Weather and establish themselves as trailblazers in the Post-Punk period and turn out some good albums in the process.

One of those albums features tonight's track, Philadelphia. The Correct Use Of Soap was a follow-up to the landmark Real Life, considered by many to be one of the greatest albums of the rock era and a showcase for the remarkable talents of Howard DeVoto.

One of the great underrated bands (some say criminally underrated), Magazine reunited in 2009 and are now working on new material for an album.

If you aren't already familiar, here's a good introduction.

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