October 24, 2011

Caroline Polachek of Chairlift - started off doing music for haunted houses. Went up from there.

Brooklyn-based Electronic/Experimental/Alternative/Pop Duo Chairlift tonight. A track from their forthcoming album Something (due in stores, or wherever) around January 23, 2012. Here is a single off the album Sidewalk Safari.

Chairlift consist of Caroline Polachek and Patrick Wimberley, and occasionally additional members for live gigs. They've been around for only a few years and have been gigging quite a bit in Europe recently.

Their new album is supposed to be coming out on Columbia which would mean they landed a deal with a Major. Although these days that's something of a mixed blessing and more often than not means someone to catch quick before the label loses interest. Hopefully that won't be the case - but as with everything remotely influenced by the mainstream; don't hold your breath.

Enjoy while you can and check them out.

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