October 24, 2024

On Wednesday, CNN held a town hall with Vice President Kamala Harris

Trump was supposed to be there.

But he was too cowardly to show up.

Kamala took the opportunity to call him out on it.

"By the way, again, Donald Trump should be here tonight to talk with you and answer your questions," Harris said. "He's not, he refused to come."

"But understand that part of his plan is to put in place a national sales tax of at least 20% on everyday goods and necessities and that by economists estimates, independent economists would cost you as the American consumer and taxpayer an additional four thousand dollars a year."

Trump's tariff plan is so regressive and ignorant that almost two dozen Nobel-prize winning economists slammed it and are endorsing Kamala Harris.

He's also a big scaredy cat for refusing to face off against the Vice President.

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