October 24, 2024

Before taking questions during her CNN town hall Wednesday night, Kamala Harris was asked by host Anderson Cooper if she agrees with General Mark Milley that Donald Trump is a fascist.

“Yes, I do. Yes, I do,” Harris replied. “I also believe that the people who know him best on this subject should be trusted.” But she wasn’t near being done disqualifying Trump for the Oval Office.

Harris continued by pointing out that General Milley, General John Kelly, who has also called Trump a fascist, and others who have worked with Trump are not politicians but “career people who have served in the highest roles in national security.”

Her voice rose with righteous outrage as she also brought up that Trump has referred to our troops as “suckers and losers.” She added, “He demeans people who have taken an oath to sacrifice their life for our country!”

That is why Harris believes that Republicans like Liz Cheney, former Vice President Dick Cheney and more than 400 other Republicans who have served in Republican administrations have endorsed her. They have “a legitimate fear, based on Donald Trump’s words and actions, that he will not obey an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

“He, himself, has said he would terminate the Constitution of the United States!” Harris told Cooper and the audience. “No one standing behind the seal of the president of the United States of America should be in that position, saying they want to terminate the Constitution of the United States!”

Hear, hear, Madame Vice President.

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