At the CNN Town Hall last night, Preachin' Mike Pence says that we’ve got to have “equal treatment under the law.” And then, he says that he hopes the DOJ would not charge Trump if they found that he broke the law, if that gives you any idea of how it all went. Via CNN:
Pence urged the Justice Department not to indict his onetime boss, saying such an indictment would fuel division inside the country and “send a terrible message to the wider world.”
While Pence said that “no one is above the law,” he said the DOJ could resolve its investigation into Trump’s potential mishandling of classified documents without resorting to an indictment, just as the department informed Pence’s attorney last week that there would be no charges brought in the case of the classified documents discovered in his home.
[...] While Pence criticized Trump for his actions on January 6 at his campaign kickoff Wednesday and at the town hall, he sought to distinguish those actions from the documents probe, protesting that there were “dozens” of better ways that the FBI could have handled Trump’s case before resorting to an unprecedented search the former president’s residence.
His phony "concerned preacher" cadence not withstanding, Pence knows better. He was on the Judiciary committee and he knows damn well why Trump's case is different. So right there, he disqualifies himself. I can't imagine what lane he sees himself in, unless he's convinced that God really, really wants him to be president and will smite his opponents.
He's got a snowball's chance in hell.