September 24, 2024

Pretty much everybody loves Sam Elliott, so here's hoping this has a positive effect. Via HuffPost:

Sam Elliott swears by Kamala Harris in a new campaign ad. (Watch it below.) The 80-year-old actor, known for his down-home delivery in Westerns and other movies and TV shows, implored voters to embrace the “courage” of the Democratic nominee and avoid the “lies and hate” of Donald Trump.

“Are we really going back down that same fucking broken road?” Elliott says in the video put out by the Lincoln Project on Monday.

The imagery is often the stock stuff you might find in other campaign commercials ― wilderness, farms and the American flag ― but Elliott’s words penetrate as if they flew out of a crackling campfire. “It’s time to be a man and vote for a woman,” Elliott says.

We hear ya, pardner.

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