September 24, 2024

What's former First Lady Melania Trump doing leading up November? Not campaigning for the hubby, of course, she won't even look at him in public. But she sure has learned the tricks that come with acquiring that name. Trump.

Melania, when not getting paid a sweet quarter million ducats to speak to the Log Cabin Republicans (seriously, they still exist? How self-loathing do you have to be?) has herself got a new book to sell! So she's promoting it using her old career...First Lady, you say? Of course not! That would mean she had some class, and perhaps had done something as First Lady besides wearing a jacket telling people to fuck off and tearing up Jackie Kennedy's Rose Garden. No, her past career she's using to hawk a book is her career as a nude model.

Melania sure learned The Way Of Trump. Lacking any dignity or anything in the way of accomplishment, this body of work is being sold by attempt at the naked truth.

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