September 24, 2024

A Newsmax reporter spoke to one of the felon's Pennsylvania supporters about migrants coming to the U.S., and it got interesting. When asked, the man admitted that "illegal immigration into this country" has not hurt him or the folks he knows. However, he claimed it's about "the principle of the fact."

"What's the most important issue for you as a Pennsylvania voter?" the reporter asked.

"The illegal immigration into this country," the Trump fan said.

"How is it hurting you and folks you know?" the Newsmax reporter asked.

"It's not; it's just the principle of the fact that everybody comes in here and gets free stuff and taking stuff away from hard-working Americans, and we've got to put America first again," he said.

The right-wing reporter said, "Absolutely. We've heard that all around the country."

They're hearing it "all around the country" because a bizarre chunk of the voting public believes everything that their hero says, no matter how ridiculous.

Most immigrants living illegally in the U.S. are not eligible for benefits from federal programs, so I'll go out on a limb to suggest that the Trump fan might be a tad bit racist. Some immigrants also pay taxes, which helps cover the costs of assistance programs. Like Haitians who live in Springfield, Ohio, other taxpaying immigrants benefit the economy.

Trump thrives from division, and I'm not an open-borders type of person, but what that man said was echoing the former President's attempt to otherize anyone who isn't white. The Republican nominee cheated hard-working contractors and others for years. He doesn't pay his bills. Trump got away with it because the system favors the rich. That's who he is.

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