September 11, 2024

Donald Trump will benefit from having his mic off while Kamala is talking, so he won't seem as crazed a lunatic as he, ya know, is. And it means she won't be able to point out his lies as he's doing them.

But if she does this right--and all her campaign has done so far, including the pre-debate mockery/head games with TV ads, billboards (Philly pretzels representing crowd size. Trump's is..small) and even tweets that look like this, say she will.

You can expect her to end her turns to speak w/ personal shots at all the things Trump's most insecure about (weirdness, crowd size, business un-acumen, sexual un-prowess, lack of wealth). Then he'll get the mic, and, sadly for Trumpers, they won't be muting his mic when it's his turn. And you can be sure he'll lose it at some point--probably many.

As the prosecutor Kamala is and the clown that he is, you can still expect her to get in her shots at him while making an affirmative case for her record, and Donny to lose it something fierce.

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