July 29, 2024

Former President Chickenshit said he would debate President Biden "ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE." Then Kamala Harris entered the picture, and now Trump is frightened to take on a strong Black woman. Harris mocked him on Xitter for trying to find a way out of September's debate. Still, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is doubling down with a promise to show up at the debate regardless of whether Trump backs out.

The Hill reports:

Campaign communications director Michael Tyler said, in a statement first shared with The Hill, that Harris will be at ABC's Sept. 10 debate — to which Trump and President Biden had both previously agreed — regardless of the former president's attendance.

"As Vice President Harris said last week, the American people deserve to hear from the two candidates running for the highest office in the land and she will do that at September's ABC debate," Tyler said. "If Donald Trump and his team are saying anything other than 'we'll see you there,' — and it appears that they are — it's a convenient, but expected backtrack from Team Trump. Vice President Harris will be there on September 10th — we'll see if Trump shows."

Trump senior adviser Jason Miller, an adulterous deadbeat father who was accused of slipping an abortion pill into a pregnant woman's drink, alleged that "of course" Trump will debate Harris but added that Democrats "need to pick who their ultimate nominee is going to be, that needs to be formalized before we go and lock in all the debates."

MSNBC host Chris Jansing pushed back at Miller, saying Trump agreed to debates before the GOP nominee was formalized. Miller replied that Democrats need "to "lock in" Harris.

Sure thing, buddy. This is reminiscent of when then-Georgia Senate candidate Jon Ossoff debated an empty podium in 2020 after his opponent, Sen. David Perdue (R), declined to participate. Ossoff won the race.

If Trump shows up, Harris will destroy him. She's already prepared after the avalanche of lies the former President threw at Joe Biden. And if Trump doesn't show up, he'll look weak, and narcissists hate that. Either way, he's fucked.

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