September 10, 2024

It's one of my favorite sites in the city. I don't know how I feel about Trump being there! Via the Inquirer:

Philadelphia is in the center of the action once again as the city gears up to play host to the first presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.

The ABC-organized and televised event will take place Tuesday at the National Constitution Center near Independence Mall. For those uninitiated and non-locals, it’s a nonprofit museum that focuses on — you guessed it — the U.S. Constitution.

Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the Constitution Center, told The Inquirer that it’s “all the more significant” for one of the most important political moments of the year to take place steps away from Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.

Protesters are expected, but they won't get very close. The city is shutting everything down in a two-block radius:

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