September 27, 2024

It reallllyy feels like Jesse Watters is talking about Donald, not Harris, on his Fox News show. Trump, who most of his supporters call for having his "mean tweets" back, is a self-entitled narcissistic blowhard who is incapable of empathy.

Donald inherited over $400 million from his father, Fred; before that, he became a millionaire at 8-years-old. To Watters, the bratty Fox News misogynistic Fox News host, it's Harris who is "coddled, spoiled, and she's sheltered from real life." Oh boy!

"Someone whispers something to her ear. Fine, do it," Watters said. "No thought at all. Harris is having a bad day; watch out."

"Kamala Harris is like a child," he said with his weapons-grade projection skills. "She hasn't put a single thought into anything and says whatever it takes to get a cookie. She doesn't share; she tattles."

"And on top of that, she's mean," the little manlet said. "And she's not allowed to sit at the grownup table, no way, because she can't behave."

"She's coddled, spoiled, and she's sheltered from real life, he added. "She's like a child actress."

Sure thing, buddy. As far as acting goes, Donald takes the cake from flying around in 'Trump Force One' to hawking $100,000 watches to his rubes while being featured in a video with heavy makeup while wearing lifts in his shoes to appear taller. And, of course, conservatives bought his act of being pro-life, even when he danced on stage while Americans were dying during the pandemic. Trump is whoever you want him to be so that he can fill his insatiable need for adoration. Everything about Trump is fake, but you be you, Jesse.

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