October 16, 2024

Fox News's racist assclown Jesse Watters has been getting desperate as his hero's mental decline gets more and more apparent during rallies and interviews.

Media Matters reports that Watters called it "welfare checks."

'Black men have been asking, "How are you going to make my life better? Because my life was better under Trump,"' he said. "So Kamala, after four years of doing nothing, just came out with a plan for Black men: legalize weed and $20,000 welfare checks."

"That's right. Kamala wants to win the Black vote with free money and drugs," he continued. "But protecting Black jobs is offensive? Even Black voters are a little suspicious."

"Kamala's been power for four years," Watters said. "Before that, she was a senator, never proposed this before. And three weeks before the election, after struggling with the Black vote, here is a check for 20 grand and a blunt."

"Did Kamala even come up with this pitch? Or did her white handler sit around thinking, "Black people love handouts and getting high," he added. "Let's give this a shot."

The $20,000 Watters mentioned in the segment above includes a proposal to give Black entrepreneurs forgivable loans of up to $20,000. That sounds good to me! I like the idea of everyone getting a fair shake while trying to rebuild the middle class, which Republicans have decimated.

It is not a "welfare check." Welfare checks were given to billionaires while Trump was in office.

And by the way, Klanny, Trump has also suggested legalizing the evil weed in Florida where Gov. DeSantis opposes it.

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