August 24, 2024

RFK Jr., suspended his campaign Friday and endorsed Donald Trump for president. Rumors of him doing this had been circulating for a few days so this comes as no surprise.

Trump will take any crackpot, reprobate, conspiracy nut, white supremacist, Christian nationalist, and convicted or pardoned felon under his wing if they support him.

On the flip side, Kamala Harris refused to even talk with this worm brained a-hole.

RFK JR.: We continue to have very serious differences, but we are aligned with each other on other key issues like ending the forever wars, ending the childhood disease epidemic, securing the border, protecting freedom of speech, unraveling the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies, getting the U.S. intelligence agencies out of the business of propagandizing and censoring and surveilling Americans and interfering with our elections.

Following my first discussion with President Trump, I tried unsuccessfully to open similar discussions with Vice President Harris. Suspending my candidacy is a hard-rending decision for me...

Vice President Harris declined to meet or even to speak with me.

Since President Biden withdrew from the race, RFK Jr's poll numbers have declined significantly. People who considered age a factor went to him instead of Demented Donald. Still, it's pretty pathetic for him to admit he sold himself to the only bidder.

I doubt this helps Trump because the choice between his whiny ass and Kamala is a no-brainer.

Once again, the Harris campaign shows good judgment in refusing to elevate a weirdo like RFK Jr., who admitted to stuffing a dead bear in his car and dumping it in Central Park to cover up the entire tale from the public and police.

These two jackoffs are made for each other.

The Kennedy family is...less than pleased.

The Harris campaign issued a statement too:

“For any American out there who is tired of Donald Trump and looking for a new way forward, ours is a campaign for you. In order to deliver for working people and those who feel left behind, we need a leader who will fight for you, not just for themselves, and bring us together, not tear us apart. Vice President Harris wants to earn your support.

“Even if we do not agree on every issue, Kamala Harris knows there is more that unites us than divides us: respect for our rights, public safety, protecting our freedoms, and opportunity for all.”

Editor's Note: (Karoli) We held this story until Saturday because we decided not to let these two weirdos intrude on our post-convention joy.

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