July 3, 2024

A July 2 Vanity Fair article is quite the blockbuster. Besides details of RFK Jr.’s habitual infidelity and lies, it describes, with lots of specifics, his preying on a 23-year-old recent college graduate, Eliza Cooney, who had worked as both a live-in babysitter and at his environmental law clinic.

For example:

A few months [after other inappropriate incidents], Cooney says, she was rifling through the kitchen pantry for lunch after a yoga class, still in her sports bra and leggings, when Kennedy came up behind her, blocked her inside the room, and began groping her, putting his hands on her hips and sliding them up along her rib cage and breasts. “My back was to the door of the pantry, and he came up behind me,” she says, describing the alleged sexual assault. “I was frozen. Shocked.”

Kennedy was asked about the report on the YouTube show and podcast, Breaking Points. His response came pretty darned close to sounding like an admission of guilt.

RFK JR: I am not a church boy. I am not running like that. I said in my - I had a very, very rambunctious youth. I said in my announcement speech that I’ve - if I have so many skeletons in my closet, that if they could all vote I could run for king of the world. So, Vanity Fair is recycling 30 year old stories and I’m not gonna comment on the details of any of them, but it's, you know, I am who I am.

The host pressed. “I do have to ask, sir. Are you denying it or not?

No, not denying it. “I’m not gonna comment on it,” Kennedy reiterated.

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