September 12, 2024

RJK Jr. joined Neil Cavuto on Fox News and admitted that Vice President Kamala Harris won the ABC Presidential debate on Wednesday evening.

Kennedy recently dropped out of the race and declared for Trump.

I doubt Trump will find any joy in his interview.

CAVUTO: You're a pretty smooth debater in your own right. Were you paining for Donald Trump? A lot of his biggest supporters say that he just didn't bring his A game to the debate last night. Karl Rove saying that the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was a train wreck for him. Do you agree with that?

RFK: You know, I thought, or I just watched the previous segment that you did with Doris Kearns, who I've known for at least 40 years, and her husband Dick Goodwin, who's a very, very close friend since I was a little boy.

And I think I haven't seen a better assessment or a more fairly delivered assessment than the one that she gave.

I think that Vice President Harris clearly won the debate in terms of her delivery, her delivery, her organization and her preparation.

I think on substance, President Trump wins in terms of his governance.

But he didn't tell that story.

Trump told many stories during the debate, but they were QAnon conspiracy stories and outright lies about most of the topics.

RFK Jr. gave four thumbs up for Harris's delivery, delivery, organization, and preparation.

In other words, Harris pitched a masterful shutout against the weak-hitting Trump.

Trump has been raging against Fox News hosts for not lying about his debate performance. What will he think of worm-brain's opinion?

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