August 14, 2024

Donald Trump's Xitter Spaces event with Elon Musk was, as Red Painter put it, "bonkerstown crazy." Up was down, and lies were left without fact checks on the site that the former President was banned for inciting the violent attack on our Capitol. It almost seemed like a fitting arena for Trump since MAGA Musk likes to play footsie with white nationalists on the site while promoting conspiracy theories.

At one point, the felon compared Harris's looks to his wifebot, Melania, and I thought that would be reserved for Ivanka.

"I saw a picture of her on Time Magazine today," the former President told Musk. "She looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live."

"She looked very much like our great first lady, Melania," Trump continued. "She didn't look like Camilla. Of course, she's a beautiful woman and we'll leave it at that."

Xitter users pounced.

Sure, J.D. Vance, the alleged couch-fucker, is referred to as weird, but Trump has always been creepy, too.

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