July 31, 2024

The felon is seething after presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris gave an inspiring speech in Georgia featuring Grammy award winner Megan Thee Stallion. At least 15,000 people attended the event with some left outside as it was filled to capacity. Trump's cultish following isn't happy either. After all, what entertainers are Trump supporters? They have Kid Rock, Lee Greenwood, and Kanye West.

Trump took to Truth Social, and predictably, the former President was hate-watching the packed event.

"Crazy Kamala Harris, voted the WORST Vice President in American history, needed a concert to bring people into the Atlanta arena, and they started leaving 5 minutes into her speech," he insisted. "I don't need concerts or entertainers, I just have to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!"

Trump supporters claim that a few people back in the rafters left their seats about 15 minutes after Kamala started talking, but we've seen droves of people leaving Trump rallies early. MAGA desperately wonders if the attendees were there to see Megan Thee Stallion instead of Kamala.

As the community notes on this post state, there were many American flags at the concert. Xitter users were quick to correct him.

He's out of the loop:

"Ghetto trash."

A large, enthusiastic crowd means that Kamala will steal the election -- or something.

Sure, go with that. Trump and his supporters can deny the enthusiasm for Harris, but it's genuine, and they are bringing in a phenomenal amount of money for Kamala's campaign. First, Black women took to Zoom for fundraising, Black Men For Kamala stepped up, White Women for Harris took their turn, and White Dudes for Harris held a fundraiser, too. The crowd was there to see Kamala, and Megan Thee Stallion proudly entertained the crowd. Deal with it, MAGA. Cope harder.

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