June 20, 2024

Recently, Eric Hovde, the California carpetbanker running to be the US Senator from Wisconsin, has decided that it would be a good idea to attack Senator Tammy Baldwin because she agreed with President Joe Biden a lot. Yeah, I don't understand it either.

Hovde brought up that lame attack point when the Felon Trump allowed him on stage with him during his campaign rally in Racine, Wisconsin. But the way he brought it up makes one wonder what the hell he was thinking:

Now I got to ask you, Mr. President, you have a lovely, gorgeous wife. I got married. I'm lucky with a beautiful wife. We've been great relationship, but I can tell you, I don't agree with her 95.5% of the time. And I sure the heck know, she doesn't agree with me 95.5% of the time. So, how could Tammy Baldwin agree with Joe Biden 95.5% of the time?

Let's take a few minutes to review, shall we?

Trump was recently adjudicated for raping a woman and not being able to keep his fat, porcine mouth shut. That cost them tens of millions of dollars. And just a few days ago, Felon Trump was convicted 34 times for having an adulterous fling with an adult movie star and then trying to cover it up by illegally cooking the books. And in a few more weeks, he finds out his fate for his felony convictions, which could quite conceivably mean him being on house arrest. I think that the last thing Melania would want right now is to be confined with the guy who lost all their money because he couldn't keep the mushroom in his pants. In other words, I would say I would be surprised if Melania is agreeing with her felonious hubby 5.5% of the time right now.

It's hard to read that stupid look on Trump's face. For all we know, he might have even heard what Hovde was saying or understood it if he had heard it.

But I do know that I wouldn't want to be Hovde after Trump's handlers inform him of what was said. I can't stop laughing, just thinking about it.

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