May 18, 2024

Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke went on a right wing talk show where he and the host openly mocked and laughed at Eric Hovde and his many self-induced blunders and continuous need to damage control, such as when Hovde said that people in nursing homes shouldn't be allowed to vote:

You know, the article that was written about the poll that pointed out that the hubby campaign is plagued by mistakes, and it is. He's always out there trying to clean up some mess that he made. You know, it just seems like every time he comes out, it's to clean something up that he said, you know. I understand how this works. I understand these are attack ads, these are hit pieces, but he made some comment during the 2020 -2022 election where he said seniors shouldn't be allowed to vote because they don't really have all their faculty. You know, he said that people in nursing were like, you can't talk like that. What the hell is wrong with you? So, he had to clean that up. And now he's headed, he's on his third position on abortion. He hasn't found his soul yet as it relates to some of these core issues, so it's kind of hard to go on offense when you always clean up on aisle five.

Now, granted, Clarke is probably feeling pretty salty because the NRC decided to send off for the California banker while freezing him out and blocking him from grifting off all those potential campaign donors. But still, when you have a bumbling buffoon like Clarke ripping on the GOP's great white hope like that, it's gotta sting quite a bit.

And adding insult to injury is that they can't even argue because Clarke is correct. Hovde and his pornstache is continuously making one error after another.

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