Life Is A Beach For GOP Carpetbagger Hovde
Credit: Screencap
June 11, 2024

Here's a pro tip for Eric Hovde, the California banker who is running for the US Senate in Wisconsin: If you're fighting a reputation of being a carpetbagger, don't get spotted on the beach in California when you're supposed to be campaigning.

As first reported by Politico, Hovde was supposed to be at the Copperfest Parade in Oconto County, Wisconsin this past Saturday:


However, Wisconsin Democrats got a photo from a tipster of a man who appears to be Hovde speaking with another man whom Politico identifies as Carson Lappetito, president of Hovde's bank:


Politico also reported that the hat, swimsuit and beach chair match those in this video which a tracker had previously recorded:

It's pretty sad when the GOP's mail order candidate can't even be bothered with phoning it in. However, it could explain why incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin has a 12-point lead over the carpetbanker.

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