May 25, 2024

On Thursday, Republican Speaker Mike Johnson told Fox News' Harris Faulkner President Biden is letting migrants freely cross the border so they can vote in US elections and skew the next census in 2030.

This is a lie.

Everybody says, why?

Why would they do this? There's such a catastrophe for the country. Why would the president knowingly allow this?

Because they wanted to turn these people into voters. That's plain.

And they want to change the outcome of the census in six years. It sounds sinister, and it is.

And they've exacted untold damage on the country.

What about the H.R. 2 bill that was put in the Senate last May?

So it's been there for more than a year now.

Nick Fuentes and every neo-Nazi in America is jumping for joy. This is the Great Replacement Theory that the KKK and white supremacists constantly preach.

Migrants coming across the border to make white America a minority governed by the blacks and browns.

Any US lawmaker putting forth these ideas is horrible. It's bad enough Rep. Mike Johnson is a virulent anti-abortion, birth control zealot, but for the US Speaker of the House to promote this horrible ideology is a crime.

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