November 3, 2023

Who can forget the stirring cry of the ex-gay movement?

Anyway, CNN is reporting that Jeebus Johnson was all-in on electrocuting the gay kids, er, conversion therapy:

Prior to launching his political career, Johnson, a lawyer, gave legal advice to an organization called Exodus International and partnered with the group to put on an annual anti-gay event aimed at teens, according to a CNN KFile review of more than a dozen of Johnson’s media appearances from that timespan.

Now, that is not to say that he put the electrodes on the boys balls himself, but he participated in other ways:

At the time, Johnson worked as an attorney for the socially conservative legal advocacy group, Alliance Defense Fund (ADF). He and his group collaborated with Exodus from 2006 to 2010.

For years, Johnson and Exodus worked on an event started by ADF in 2005 known as the “Day of Truth” – a counterprotest to the “Day of Silence,” a day in schools in which students stayed silent to bring awareness to bullying faced by LGBTQ youth.

The Day of Truth sought to counter that silence by distributing information about what Johnson described as the “dangerous” gay lifestyle.

“I mean, our race, the size of our feet, the color of our eyes, these are things we’re born with and we cannot change,” Johnson told one radio host in 2008 promoting the event. “What these adult advocacy groups like the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network are promoting is a type of behavior. Homosexual behavior is something you do, it’s not something that you are.”

And where are they now, you ask:

The group shut down in 2013, with its founder posting a public apology for the “pain and hurt” his organization caused. Conversion therapy has been widely condemned by most major medical institutions and has been shown to be harmful to struggling LGBTQ people.

And of course, Jeebus Johnson is the Republican Speaker of the House, elected by 100% of his conference without a single dissenting vote for any reason.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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