A broad ruling for Trump could undermine not only the special counsel’s election subversion case, but a litany of other criminal charges pending against him.
April 9, 2024

Special counsel Jack Smith urged the Supreme Court last night to reject Trump’s immunity claims and deny the former president any opportunity to delay a trial on charges that he attempted to subvert the results of the 2020 election. Via CNN.com:

Trump’s position, Smith told the court, has no grounding in the Constitution, the nation’s history or Americans’ understanding that presidents are not above the law.

“The Framers never endorsed criminal immunity for a former President, and all Presidents from the Founding to the modern era have known that after leaving office they faced potential criminal liability for official acts,” Smith told the court.

Smith’s filing landed in what has emerged as the most closely watched case of the Supreme Court’s current term. A broad ruling for Trump could undermine not only the special counsel’s election subversion case, but a litany of other criminal charges pending against him.

The Supreme Court will hear arguments April 25, and a decision is expected by July. Trump’s written reply to Smith is due next week.

Smith has some heavy hitters in his corner:

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