No More Dates For Handsy Boebert And The Beetlejuice Boobman
Credit: Screenshot
September 19, 2023

Vaping Grandma Lauren Boebert has decided that the last date was enough with the Beetlejuice boob-groping, drag show-loving Democrat. I guess she didn't like what she found when she groped his...program.

The news broke late on Monday and was instantly met with a barrage of twitter responses (no, I will not call it X no matter how much Elon tries to make me).

Apparently the congresswoman swore it had nothing to do with her date being a Democrat, although she denies knowing about that beforehand. I guess boob groping and public handjobs do not a romance make. Boebert told TMZ that her date is a "great man, great friend, and I wish him all the best."


It's ok to admit you were turned on by a Democrat, Grandma Boebert.


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