June 27, 2023

After listening to the new audio released by CNN, Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy said that it appears Trump is admitting he's got classified documents after all.

The bombshell audio obtained by CNN has Trump apparently admitting (to journalists writing a book about Mark Meadows) that he's holding and sharing classified information.

That's illegal and a crime.

Trump, as usual, then blasted out on Truth Social that Jack Smith is a Deranged Special Prosecutor and the audio actually clears him.

Fox and Friends co-host Ainsley Earhardt, Brian Kilmeade Steve Doocy discussed the latest development in the Trump indictments.

Earhardt seems to agree that Trump's words are damning, "See, as president, I could have declassified it, now I can't, but you know this is still a secret' he is saying on that tape."

"Yeah, he's admitting he’s got classified documents,” Doocy replied.

To anyone not trying to become part of Trump's legal team, he's damned himself.

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