Daily Show comedian Roy Wood gave Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his fellow Repubicans attacking CRT, along with corrupt bought-and-paid-for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas the treatment they deserved at this year's White House Correspondents' Dinner.
WOOD: The only thing Ron DeSantis has done that I got to give him credit for. This boy got people riled up over stuff they can't understand. Don't nobody -- they don't know what Critical Race Theory is, get these people riled up about something that they can't even define like crypto or NFTs. Ask any Republican that's anti-CRT. Ask any Republican trying to explain CRT. They sound like a Democrat trying to explain the charges against Trump.
It's bad everywhere. Who's got to stop it? We got to stop it. We got the files. We got files. We'll be right back. I'm Rachel Maddow. I have files. Rachel Maddow get them files on you, that's a rap. I think Republicans, you all would be surprised man, if you all would just be real about what CRT is. You can be surprised some black folks might meet you halfway. But you got to tell the truth. You can't lie to black people call it what it is.
Anti-CRT policies are an attack on black history and an attempt to erase the contributions of black people from the history books. That's what it is. You are trying to erase black people. And a lot of black people wouldn't mind some of that eraser as long as that black person is Clarence Thomas.
A billionaire named Harlan Crow, flying Clarence Thomas all over the world on unreported trips like the Instagram model taking plants to the Maldives and the beaches and all pay for his mom's house, this billionaire. Pay for Clarence Thomas mama's house.
I got to give it up to billionaires, billionaires well, you all always come up with something new to buy. Like, just when you think of everything you could buy on Earth. Billionaire will come up with a new thing. You all buy space rockets, you bought Twitter.
This man bought a Supreme Court Justice. Do you understand how rich you have to be to buy supreme, a black one on top of that. There's only two in stock.
And Harlan Crow owns half the inventory. We can all see Clarence Thomas. But he belongs to billionaire Harlan Crow and that's what an NFT is.
The entire speech was fantastic. Watch it below if you have time.