It turns out Clarence Thomas’ “dearest friend” and benefactor, Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, has a big thing for Hitler and the Nazis.
April 9, 2023

Thomas has been on the hot seat this week over the luxury travel he and coup-loving wife Ginni have been treated to from Crow, thanks to the amazing reporting of ProPublica. Besides the fact that the largesse has a strong stench of corruption, there’s not much doubt Thomas broke the law and quite likely Crow did, too.

That’s not counting that this Supreme Court justice, who claimed to prefer RV parks and Walmart parking lots, while he was secretly traveling to the most exclusive places on earth via yacht and private jet, now claims he never saw anything wrong with taking these undisclosed handouts because Harlan Crow and his wife “are among our dearest friends” and have been so for over 25 years.

Now, Thomas might want to explain why he’s such close friends with someone who collects Nazi memorabilia, including a signed copy of Mein Kampf, and what the Washingtonian describes as “a garden full of statues of the 20th century’s worst despots.”

More from the Washingtonian:

“I still can’t get over the collection of Nazi memorabilia,” says one person who attended an event at Crow’s home a few years ago and asked to remain anonymous. “It would have been helpful to have someone explain the significance of all the items. Without that context, you sort of just gasp when you walk into the room.” One memorable aspect was the paintings: “something done by George W. Bush next to a Norman Rockwell next to one by Hitler.” They also said it was “startling” and “strange” to see the dictator sculptures in the backyard.

In 2014, when Crow’s house was included in a public tour of historic homes, a reporter from the Dallas Morning News visited. Apparently, Crow was visibly uncomfortable with questions about his dictator statues and Hitler memorabilia, preferring to discuss his other historical collections: documents signed by the likes of Christopher Columbus and George Washington; paintings by Renoir and Monet; statues of two of Crow’s heroes, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher.

We know that Thomas was a disgraceful chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – and that’s not counting the very credible allegations of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. And we’ve long known him to be a disgraceful judge with a disgraceful wife. But I never would have thought to put “Hitler-fan BFF” on my Sleazy Thomas Bingo card. Until now.

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