January 3, 2023

Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade told Fox news that the fight amongst House Republicans to find a Speaker that's acceptable to the entire caucus has been a great day for the Democrats.

Kilmeade wondered what Andy Biggs' plans were moving forward, what would change and what he would possibly want in return to vote for Kevin McCarthy.

"But there's no doubt about it -- this is a great day for the Democrats," Kilmeade said. "I mean outside of winning the Senate, this is the second best thing that can happen to them."

I know there's been a lot of thoughts floating around the Beltway that this has been choreographed in advance to ditch McCarthy for ultimately Steve Scalise. I'm not sure the Freedom Caucus is capable of orchestrating anything quite so elaborate. And there are over 200 other Republicans furious at them for voting for Jordan.

But wherever you turn on the right side of the dial, there's been nothing but derision and division against the Republican Party.

On the flip side, the Democratic Party looks cohesive, organized and energized.

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