October 3, 2024

Donald Trump loyalist and MAGA sweetheart, former Colorado county clerk, will have 9 long years in prison to think about all the crimes she committed in service of a man who will not waste one minute more thinking about her.

Tina Peters, the former Mesa County clerk charged with numerous crimes related to her efforts to help Donald Trump steal the 2020 election, was sentenced to incarceration on Thursday. Peters had been found guilty by a jury on most of the charges levied against her in August. She was convicted of first-degree official misconduct, violation of duty, failure to comply with requirements of the Secretary of State, conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation, and three counts of attempt to influence a public servant. She was acquitted of identity theft, criminal impersonation, and one count of conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation.

Judge Matthew Barrett did not mince words before handing down Peters' sentence. He called her as a "charlatan" who was using her prior position "to peddle a snake oil that's been proven to be junk time and time again." He added "your lies are well documented and these convictions are serious...I'm convinced you would do it all over again if you could."

One of the most egregious and terrifying things she did in furtherance of stealing the election for Donald Trump was COPYING the hard drive of the election software in 2021 which was given to someone who leaked it online. It also was a large piece of Mike Lindell's conspiracy theories. Peters had used another person's security badge to access the system.

Her defense was that she had not committed any crime (snort). The jury disagreed, clearly. Peters remained defiant up until the last minute, insisting in a 42 minute plea to the court that she really was a martyr who was doing everything for the greater good, saying “I’ve never done anything with malice to break the law. I’ve only wanted to serve the people of Mesa County."

Judge Barrett got tired of her rambling statement and finally cut her off, saying: “I’ve let you go on enough about this. The votes are the votes. It's just more lies. No objective person believes them. No, at the end of the day, you cared about the jets, the podcasts and people flying with you. You abdicated your position as a servant to the Constitution and you chose you over all else. You cannot help but lie as easy as it is for you to breathe."

Peters' sentence will be split among state prison and county jail. Judge Barrett sentenced her to 8.5 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections plus 120 days in Mesa County Jail, followed by 3 years of parole.

Peters was taken into custody and taken to the Mesa County Detention Center to begin serving her sentence. She has 21 days to appeal the sentence.

Donald Trump has already forgotten her name, for sure. And no one will visit her in prison. But, this should be a serious warning to all MAGA election workers who are planning on pulling the same kind of garbage in 33 short days. IF YOU DO THIS KIND OF CRIME, YOU WILL PROBABLY GO TO PRISON.

Enjoy 3 hots and a cot, Tina.

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