Tamara Towers Parry, 57, was shot and killed after pointing a gun at two people delivering paperwork at her West Seattle home on Tuesday.
October 3, 2024

Tamara Towers Parry's downward spiral began well before January 6, 2021, but losing her medical license after she participated in the Capitol riot could not have helped her mental state. Towers Parry had recently lost her home and was in the midst of eviction proceedings when the shooting on her front doorstep occurred.

While these sad broken people destroyed their lives for Trump, the instigator of the January 6 madness remains free at large, suffering no consequences for his actions. And who knows, in a few weeks, Donald Trump might even win the presidency again.

Source: Seattle Times

A former Seattle doctor whose medical license was suspended after she participated in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was shot and killed after pointing a gun at two people delivering paperwork at her West Seattle home on Tuesday.

A 40-year-old man whom police have not identified shot Tamara Towers Parry, 57, multiple times in the torso outside her Southwest Hudson Street home around 1 p.m., according to the Seattle Police Department and the King County Medical Examiner’s Office. Police have not arrested anyone and are not looking for suspects, spokesperson Detective Brian Pritchard said Wednesday.

Members of Towers Parry’s family did not immediately respond to inquiries Wednesday.

Towers Parry, who was in the midst of eviction proceedings, came out of her house and pointed a shotgun at the two men before the 40-year-old, armed with a handgun, opened fire. In a phone call Wednesday, Pritchard said the men did not work in law enforcement and were not there to evict Towers, but he would not describe the paperwork they were delivering.

Tuesday’s shooting happened less than two weeks after Towers Parry’s home was foreclosed on and scheduled to be sold at a Sept. 20 auction, King County housing records show. Towers Parry had failed to make about $24,000 in mortgage payments and still owed more than $225,000 on the home, which she previously shared with her ex-husband, according to the records.

A photo taken of the house on Tuesday showed a large U.S. flag hanging from the home’s front window underneath the word “QAnon,” the name of a far-right conspiracy theory that gained traction online after the 2016 election of former President Donald Trump.

A divorce, a multiple sclerosis diagnosis, increasing debt and an apparent descent into conspiracy theory marked the final years of Towers Parry’s life.

Her video from January 6.

Hanging out with assholes.

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