October 21, 2022

Leaked text messages from former Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s phone contradict Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s sworn testimony

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution received 59 pages of Loeffler’s text messages via an anonymous donor. The paper “confirmed the veracity of the exchanges with four people who were participants in some of the conversations," The AJC said.

The bulk of the texts seem to reveal the pressure Loeffler was under both to object to the certification of Biden’s presidential win on Jan. 6 and not to object. Examples of the former include these messages from Taylor Greene:

I need to talk with you about a plan we are developing on how to vote on the electoral college votes on Jan 6th. I need a Senator!
And I think this is a major help for you to win on the 5th!! [Dec. 2, 2020]


Hi Kelly,
I’ve organized a meeting with President Trump, his legal team, and Members of electoral college votes for Joe Biden in several key states on January 6th.
It’s tomorrow at 2:00.
Can you come to the White House? It’s an informational meeting and planning session. [Dec. 20, 2020]

Rolling Stone caught the potential legal significance of these texts:

Loeffler’s leaked texts appear to contradict testimony Greene gave earlier this year in a case seeking to disqualify her from office for “engaging in insurrection or rebellion.” When asked if it was fair to say that her opinion was that Congress should not certify Biden’s win, she replied “that’s not accurate.”

Lock her up!

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