September 19, 2024

While speaking at a Trump rally in Uniondale, New York, Rudy Giuliani was almost foaming at at the mouth screaming at the crowd, "I'll find them, I did it to the mafia! I'm going to get you!"

Who was Rudy talking about? Who is he going to get?

The deep state? The International assassins' guild? Swamp dwellers? The flying spaghetti monster?

I think he's a little too late to find anybody or anything since he's already been disgraced, disbarred, and sued out of existence for his immoral and criminal actions. Maybe he should find some sanity first.

GIULIANI: This time, he has to make America America again. And you're going to do it for him. God bless Donald J.Trump, his wonderful family. I pray to God that he keeps them alive.

No more attacks!

No more!

Stop it.

If there's anybody behind it, I'll find them.

I did it to the mafia.

I can do it to them.

If you're behind it, I'm looking at you and I'm going to get you.

I thought he was going to keel over then and there.

Rudy thinks the left hates him because of Hunter Biden's laptop. We don't dislike him for that alone. It's a minor infraction on the scale of his corruption.

Taking treasonous actions to try to overthrow the 2020 election was a cherry on top of his demented subservience to the former clown president.

But behavior like that in elderly people either is a UTI or dementia. Rudy needs a doctor stat.

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