'It's Hard To Get To 4': MTG Mocked For Counting To Three Twice
Credit: Gage Skidmore
December 31, 2023

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) faced backlash on Sunday after she joked about the last day of 2023.

In a social media post, Greene simply shared the number "123123." Presumably, the post was a play on the date of 12/31/23.

But commenters responded by mocking the lawmaker.

"It's hard to get to 4, amiright?" ShepGirl asked.

"Marge can count to 3, twice!" another poster said. "What Qanon prophecy do you have for us today?"

"How many times Trump has cheated," one user guessed.

"Good girl! Keep practicing and soon you'll be able to count to 10…," a commenter joked.

"Toes on each foot....?" another wrote.

"Watching Sesame Street?" a commenter guessed.

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