July 11, 2022

Elon Musk is backing out of the deal he made to purchase Twitter, so the right wing lunatics are freaking out.

Musk was their latest savior who is now considered the Devil.

Leading the way as always, is traitor Trump and his treasonous bunch of dangerous anti-democratic zealots.

During a rally in Alaska Trump on Saturday, the narcissistic baby took aim at the Tesla mogul.

“I tell you what. Elon, Elon, is not going to buy Twitter," Trump sputtered. "Nah, he’s got himself a mess. He said the other day, ‘Oh, I’ve never voted for a Republican.’ I said, ‘I didn’t know that. He told me he voted for me.’ So, he’s another bullshit artist. But he’s not going to be buying it.”

In Trump's warped brain, everybody voted for Trump.

Even if Elon Musk purchased Twitter, there is no way Trump's ego would allow him to treat Musk or anyone else like a human being.

Will this snap Musk out of his recent delirium?

I doubt it.

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