October 29, 2022

Former President Donald Trump finally sent his best wishes to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her family after her husband was brutally attacked in their home by one of his supporters acknowledged Elon Musk's $44 billion acquisition of the behemoth site, Twitter. Trump was, of course, banned from the social site for inciting violence after a massive mob of his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol to stop the peaceful transition of power on Jan. 6.

My site is better than yours is:

The twice-impeached one-term loser who is being investigated for espionage said that he plans to stay on Truth Social, a social media platform he touts as "better," "safe," and that feels "like home," according to Fox Business.

Twitter will fall apart without me:

Trump said, "I don't think Twitter can be successful without me." It's been speculated that Musk could lift Trump's lifetime ban on Twitter, but the former President declined to comment on if he would ever use it again.

Via Fox Business:

Musk has suggested that he would loosen content moderation practices for Twitter and would eliminate lifetime bans from the platform, but Trump told Fox News Digital that the new policy will not affect how he uses social media.

"I am staying on Truth. I like it better, I like the way it works, I like Elon, but I'm staying on Truth," the ex-president said.

Trump has claimed to be a billionaire (wink wink), but Musk is one, so this whole takeover must be humiliating for the ex-president. Another billionaire bought it and might let him back on the site. But then, the raging narcissist would have to say, "Thank you for letting me have my account back," and that's not going to happen. If Trump really was a gazillionaire, he could have bought the site.

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